Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why do we suffer?

Tell me why we suffer again? And why it doesn't end soon enough? I am in my third week post surgery. I feel my self getting stronger each day. I have been walking a little further, a little faster, getting in and out of bed is not as much of a chore as it was just two weeks ago, and I am breathing better. So really I should be singing a happy tune because I am healing just as fast as could be expected. I don't know about any of you but a man just doesn't feel quite like a man when he is being waited on hand and foot nice as it is. My wife and daughters have been at my beck and call. I am ready to get back to work ready to be over this season of suffering. Many of you have shared your particular trials and sufferings which have truly been an encouragement to me. We suffer so we can understand and love others who suffer by having first hand experience. The Lord uses suffering to strengthen our faith, produce patience, and make us complete. That's what James tells us in the scripture. Patient I am not, faithful in Him alone who is God without a doubt, and I know He will complete the work in me. When I am on the other side of this whole deal I pray He will have given me the wisdom I need to comfort others as I have been comforted by so many of you.

He cannot heal who has not suffered much,
For only sorrow sorrow understands.
They will not come for healing at our touch
Who have not seen the scars upon our hands.
Author Unknown.

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