Friday, April 9, 2010

Surgery Day

This is BJ, signing in for my Daddy. It was a long day in the surgical waiting area watching the play by play of patient 97148 scroll down the screen. It was slow going to start the surgery was delayed a few hours due to some complications with the previous patient. As for my dad what was a planned lobectomy ended up being a Pneumonectomy, removal of his entire left lung. Dr. Wehr also removed several lymph nodes. Unfortunately he was not able to remove all of the cancerous nodes and chemo and radiation will follow some time after recovery. Dr. Wehr did say he was very pleased he did the surgery he said the disease was severe and had he not done the surgery my dad would not have made it for more than a few months. We praise God this decision was made! And much thanks to Dr. Patel Oncologist for being aggressive and seeking out Dr. Wehr to see my Dad's case and thanks to Dr. Wehr's confidence in taking my Dad's case. He is a very skilled and brilliant surgeon and exceptionally upbeat!
We met our Daddy in the Coronary Care Unit around 5:00 this evening. He was of course in and out of sleep but was waving and trying to talk. He recognized his girls and asked for his grand babies to be put on his bed with him. The grand babies were at home but he was thinking of them. He will be monitored well through the night and expected to be in the CC unit for the next few days and then later moved to a different floor for recovery.
My Dad was very popular today he had many visitors prior to surgery, phone calls, well wishes and prayers. Before he went in to surgery he said, "with a support team like this I am sure to win". Thank you so much for all the love!


  1. Patsy, we have just now heard about Gilbert. Alto sent us this link today. It is hard to imagine Gilbert being incapacitated...he was always so busy doing something. Jim and I just want you and Gilbert (and your family) to know that we will be praying for all of you and we have put him on our church prayer chain. We serve a big and powerful God. Claim the scripture "with God all things are possible". Mark 19:26. Give Gilbert our love. You two are very special to us. We will follow Gilbert's progress. Our love & prayers. Jim and Bobbie Perkins

  2. Glad to get this link! Praise to the Lord for walking with you all through this trial. We at Christ Community are praying with you and for you all. Keep up the postings so we can pray specifically. Love you all Ed & JoBeth Vinson

  3. BJ just sent me a text message saying

    "Dad is doing great this morning! His oxygen levels are better now that his left lund is out. He looks amazing! Thanks for praying!"

    I am not sure when BJ will be update from yesterday and wanted to share this good news.

    Gilbert & Pat, there were a lot of people praying for you all, I saw and talked to them yesterday and it was amazing! There is a small army here ready to help with all the little things that you might need when you come home.

  4. Gilbert, Jody & I are thinking of you, Pat and your family and praying for you all! Remember, anything is possible and God IS healing you right now!!!!! Love, Steph

  5. We are overjoyed to hear that you came through surgery well. You and your family are in our prayers. Let us know if we can do anything to help. Terri, Ralph, and Janella

  6. Gilbert,we were glad to read that you are doing well and that oxygen levels are better. Hang in there! We are praying for you and Patsy every day, believing that God will completely heal you. We love you guys.
    Bobbie & Jim Perkins

  7. Hey Gilbert, we're a part of that "Army" praying for you! Get well soon and if there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. God Bless you and your family, Morgan & Samantha Smith
