Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Gilbert was released from the hospital yesterday. When we arrived at my daughter's house we received a stack of cards! Perfect timing! We greatly appreciate all the phone calls and visits! Thank you all so much for the encouragement and support! We have been overwhelmed with how much everyone cares, it is such a blessing!
Our daughters have been taking great care of us! I don't know what we would do without them. We are getting spoiled.
Today has been the toughest day so far. Transitioning from epidural and heavy intravenous meds to oral tablets is a bit of a challenge. We will be staying here in Albuquerque through the week. Gilbert has a followup Monday and hopefully we will be going home shortly after that. I will be "Driving Miss (Mr.) Daisy" for 4wks and He won't be doing any lifting for at least 6wks. Gilbert will see his Pulmonary Dr. and Oncologist in a few weeks to set up a plan for radiation and chemotherapy. We thank you all for everything!


  1. This is such a blessing. We look forward to the transition home!

  2. There is spring in the air here, the hummers are gathering all around and GOd has blessed with moisture in the air also. Hurry home but not too quickly we pray for complete recovery.

  3. Hey Montoya family! Just checking in to see how Gilbert is doing. Please post an update soon for us "out of towners". Gilbert, "be strong and courageous" and keep on walking...
