Friday, July 9, 2010

Down the home stretch

It's been awhile. The last several weeks I have spent most of my time either at the cancer clinic or in bed. This has been a tough race. With just one week left of radiation I can finally see the finish line. A few weeks ago I ended up with an infection which delayed my treatment and left me very sick. My doctors gave me some time to regain my strength to continue treatment. They stopped chemo to prevent furthur illness, my body literally couldn't take anymore. The last few treatments of radiation have left me lifeless so I am spending much time resting which I am told is to be expected. The up side of all this and there is always an upside is that I have seen how truly loved I am. I have grown closer to my family my wife, daughters, and I have a deeper love for one another. My beautiful Lord has been by my side every step of the way. I have called on His name in my waking hours and in my sleep. I have had a deeper need for him. He has brought me to humility and I have seen my need for his grace. He has given me assurance of my salvation. He has brought so many of you to lift me up when I felt like giving up. For all of that I am grateful. Six weeks after radiation I will be retested to see if all the treatment has paid off. I long to hear the words "you are cancer free". Please keep praying.


  1. Gilbert,
    Your family's support is commendable. I always see the love and care they have for you. You are very lucky to have a family like them. You remain in my prayers, amigo. God bless you all.

  2. I love you Gilbert! You and the family have been in our thoughts and prayer, and we praise God for being so faithful during these hard times! Love,
    Lori DeSantis

  3. One foot in front of the other. One step at a time. You are a beautiful person! My love to you and Pat and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. And isn't it wonderful to know God walks beside us each and every moment?! xoxoxo, Paula
